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Make the most of your summer!

20 Things to do to gain skills and have fun

Anthony Ingham 0 3113 Article rating: 5.0


Summertime is the perfect opportunity for teenagers to make the most of their break and engage in activities that are not just enjoyable but also help their.........

Voluntary Work

What are the advantages?

Anthony Ingham 0 3175 Article rating: 5.0

Ever thought about volunteering? or perhaps you passed on the opportunity to do voluntary work without really looking into the advantages? 

There are many projects to get involved with and lots of advantages to giving up your time for this good cause. Read about some of them here. 



Priorities over luxuries

My advice about priorities, luxuries and ‘side-hustles’ - by RTrizzy

Anthony 0 5401 Article rating: 5.0

Listen to RTrizzy speak about why you should put your priorities first, identify your luxuries and why you should broaden your horizons with ‘side-hustles’.